Nov 3rd 08 Fuel Prices
It is to my great interest after hearing the explanation given by Mr. Afif on why the price of fuel have risen locally even though it has fallen sharply abroad. It was anounced Saturday evening that Because SEPEC had agreed to it's supplier to pay fuel at a certain price, seeing that oil prices was going up and didn't know where it'll stop, for the benefit of our people it would be in our advantage to do so. That is why prices is goiong up. Question I have. Why was that not annouced in July (That is when the agreement was made) they are doing such a thing like that. HUH! Which business or wise guy running a business like that would let you take all his profit. Selling you at a static price even if prices is going up? He'll run at a lost. OK! HUH! That said, for how long did they agree to sell us fuel at whatever price and why was there reduction of 50cts for two concecutive months (Sept/Oct). And Now we hear that it might change daily??? I'm really confussed.
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Nov 2nd 08 Financial Times
There was a meeting with several Bodies on Friday 31st with Seychelles Taxi Operators Association (STOA) which resulted in New Fare set.
Aug 18th "Finance"
Two meetings with the ministry of Finance Regarding Taxi had been postpone without any reason given. The first They called only 30min before meeting was due and the other last week, we heard nothing uptil now.
In The Last meeting With LTD they wanted to increase the fare to 1Km being Scr25 and next Scr8.50. And that they Can set the meter right away.
I suggest we introduce 3 fares if needs be that we introduce new prices, (We've asked reduction on Insurance, Road tax, and if could subsidies with Fuel just like fisherman and SPTC, ie; Public transport). Which was replied "NO". So far we've heard nothing in the media like there was sosme two weeks ago.
Have a nice day. Happy vacation in the seychelles.
Aug 6th 2008 "Taxi"
I meant to write for sometimes but was somewhat busy with other matters. I would like to reffer back to July 8th entry. After some research it has been found in "Taxi Regulations" under "Road Transport Act" capation (8) 1, 2, 3 actually speaks about it.
8 (1) No person shall Knowingly sell or supply alcoholic drink to a taxi driver while that driver is operating a taxi.
(2) No taxi driver shall buy or consume alcoholic drink while he is operating a taxi.
(3) No taxi shall, within 6hrs before he is to be operating a taxi, consume alcoholic drink.
There you are. Question raised!
1. A client sends me to buy his drinks since he/she cannot do it for several reasons. I personaly don't drink alcohol. But I've had many clients who uses crutches or have difficulty to walk, asks me to stop at the shop buy it fro them.
2. People who are familiar with how taxi run, knows that if they call a taxi and it is more that 2km away, They can be charged for such trip. I have come across this many times. Foreigners knows that and instead of buying their drinks in hotels, they buy it at shop knowing that it is cheaper and they can also pay with local currency (they know how to make profit out of the little cash they came with). Instead of calling me to come and meet them, go to the particular shop and then back to where they're residing or going, You simply make one trip. That'll cost them less.
3. It is said that SLA have told merchants, "If the roof sign is covered then you can sell alcohol to a taxi driver".
Is there any such law for other drivers??? To me the best thing is to put enforcers on the road... I know I know you don't agree with me for you'll be caught and fined probably loose your license. Well I'm trying to make a living here. So much for calling Taxi Drivers ambassadors, they meet clients and so on and so forth. They sell the country in other words.
Topic on radio show these past two months was on TAXI. They charge client too high, don't want to carry clients. These two are the main points.
I would like to say a few things regarding this.
1. Over charging
Does the public in general know. The correct fare prices. I've always said why don't the radio host some programs to tell, advise the people on such. Not only for taxi but many other issues to kind of educate our people. OK. The first thing that should be done is; When a client gets into a car, you just press the fare button on your meter. Ahr! Meter. I personally prefers to work with meter. I've been waiting for one for... some years now. Did NATCOF mention that or LCA or maybe LTD, for LTD is the only one allowed to supply, calibrate ...etc have to do with meter. It started once that police officer could stop you and check wether your meter is on while carrying a client. It went on for only 1 wk. So LTD cannot calibrate and supply meter yet NATCOF/SLA even LTD tell people to ask for meter when they get in a taxi. What?!?
Another thing I think you should know. We have a meter we call it big box (for it is big). We bought it some Scr4000. Some are still working, some needs to be repaired. LTD cannot do either. They introduced another slick one. Slim, nice, small. But they are selling it at some Scr3000. I forgot to tell you, even if you bought it, it is still the property of LTD.
What do we do with the old ones. LTD said give it back. WOW! What about our Scr4000??? OK. LTD will see wether it's still working then give us a discount. What? Some Scr500 I heard. There are two new types of Taxi meter. Last year October LTD went on TV to show that it is installing meter in taxis. One question please. Did you raise up your hand? Ok go ahead. Are they trough? hahaha. Cannot calibrate again. What??? You're kidding me? I've asked Taxi association to put up it's website, I Don't know what's holding them. You'll be informed customer. Our precious customer. You make us live. We have you in mind.
Ahr! That said, brings me to this point. Who is responsible to set taxi fare. Last year when fuel went up. We saw a rise in everything. Taxi fare too. Taxi association protested against that. Many Taxi operators wanted the fare to stay the same only give us some fuel benefit like SPTC or SFA. We are still asking for that. Contact Taxi association for more details.
Tel: 248 323895
Back to you. Many client upon getting into taxi when you switch on meter they complain. Some even goes as far as trying to switch it of. I'm not kidding, I've been there. It happened to me. They asks you how much will it cost them to get there. You give a rough estimation. Some stops on the way diverts ...etc and think that the price stays the same. Every trips, a taxi driver driver 9 out of 10 times gives discount.
Look at it this way. 3km equalls Scr38. We normally charge Scr35. One example is from Plaisance (Kot Baba) people used to pay Scr25. We only added Scr10. Reason be if you charge someone higher, they can bring you to authorities and you know what can happen. With the rise of fuel and expense we are not saying its Scr40.
2Km equalls Scr30.50, are we charging that 50Cts? Business wise. On 10 trips I loose Scr5 or Scr30. How much do I loose in a year.
July 2nd, 2008 "Lost Property"
I received a call from a colleague driver asking me if I carried a client friday night and had left a bag in my car. I said no, for I haven't seen any bag in my car.
later that day a woman came to me on the main Taxi stand and she asked me the same thing. She came with the alledged client. I don't even remember if I've brought him I said. For sure that day I've been working since 7am to 4am in the morning next day and brought so many clients that I don't even remember specific one. And of course not seeing anything in the car that would arise supissions.
But then I asked where was he left. Then It came to mind that I really brought that person. I remembered that trip very well and that Is how it happened.
A young man came and asked me to bring him to MT. Buxton. I said ok. He got in the car and I drove him to where he had asked me to. Upon arriving he told me that he's going to get the money from home to pay me. Ahr! Last week someone did the same to me and had not paid. I Said, My friend why didn't you tell me you didn't have money on you. For sure I wouldn't drove him for I've been through too many of that thing and they don't pay. Well, he said he'd leave his bag and his mobile phone in the car. He left his bag and phone on the passengers seat. In that area I don't want to wait for someone. anything can Happen. He came back some 5mins later gave me the money and took his bag and mobile and left. I drove off.
Tuesday is when I got the call from my colleague. That young man was looking for his bag. They told me that they had put an anouncement on radio looking for the taxi driver. I don't listen to AM radio prefered radio station is BBC WORLD SERVICE (FM). He'd come Saturday morning looking for me. I've worked till 4am you don't supposed I'll be coming early morning to work again. I came to work Saturday afternoon and again worked up till 2am Sunday. Sunday is off for me to go to church. Monday was PH. He told me that he took his jacket and left a bag in the car. I said. My friend you said you put your bag and phone on the seat and left. when you came and paid off you took your bag and mobile phone and left.
I didn't even know that there was a jacket. It was only then that I learnt about Jacket. Whatever he placed on the seat, he took.
Being a Christian and knowing very well that it is written " Thou Shalt Not Steal". I don't intend to do any of those things. I don't know where he left his bag but not in the car. They think I took it. My conscious clear, I haven't taken it. I pray God he find his bag.
Oh! I've heard quite a lot regarding that incident.
July 8th 2008 "No Alchohol"
As interesting as it can be, some taxi drivers is saying that upon going to buy liquor in shops, shop keepers tell them that they have been instructed by Seychelles Licensing Authority not to sell liquor to Taxi drivers. It would be interesting to know the % of accidents caused or taxi drivers caught DUI in a day compared to other drivers. We know that other drivers do stop at shops to buy liquor. Why all of a sudden Taxi drivers? It would make more sense not to sell to drivers in general. All drivers can get around that very easily. The thing that would work in my opinnion, add more spot check at random.
July 10th 2008 "Wait, I'm going to get money"
Again this week a client came, she looked peculiar to me. The way she was dressed I knew she had been in some trouble somewhere. She told me if I could do a trip for her. I said yes. While we were going to where she asked me to take her, she told me that last night she had been in a fight and was arrested. She also told me that she's just going to take her bag and go somewhere else if I will be able to wait for her. I okayed her. I thought I was finished, but I waited for some 5 minutes. She eventually came and we drove to where she was going next. Upon arriving I told her the price, she told me that she doesn't have enough money but if I give her my phone number she'll call me for she is just going to take a bath and be back in town. It is now 4 days since I am waiting for that phone call. It seems that people don't have money to pay their expense.
I think I will have to ask for them to show me some money before we start off.
July 12th "Don't put yourself at risk"
I would like to bring to your attention a habbit that I think it's not good for you. Take this into consideration. Many passengers ask the price of the fare before they embark or on their way. Many do that because;
1. They want to be sure they can pay the amount.
2. Can look for another if wants a lower price and
3. Don't want to be cheated cause there's no meter in the Taxi.
I believe once someone knows how much they'll be paying at the end of the trip, it is good for them to pay while the car is moving or just before the trip ends or whatever else. Try not to do it when you've reached your destination, and that's the time you'll open your purse finding the money in this pocket, that pocket... You know, you put yoursefl at risk. Someone could be lurking in the dark looking where you put your money. when you get out the cars gone you become the looser. You might be putting the Driver at risk too you know that?
Apre wa dir, "Simon ti konnen."
1. Umbrella
2. Empty Kids purse